Russian scum is destroying our infrastructure,Our soldiers are still willing their capture,
Our clown (president) is still without treason..
It is the moment when I say "I know the reason".
Tomorrow is going to be G20 - another useless meeting
For bunch of imbecils with ideas for circle/square fitting,
But they give Ukraine those weapons that we need,
They don't know why (I know) but are forced to accept the bid.
Stella Justice..
It is vibrant to what I used to know, to my nature,
It feels like I have touch on its resolving fracture..
The only thought I have "don't break!" so resolution is complete..
Yes-yes, I know.. Intrigue of life, as I can see just ship of a huge fleet.
My fight with hate currently leads to no winner,
While hate|justice border is so much thinner..
And I am thrilled as it reveals me to true myself,
Just openned self nature book from my soul's shelf.
I am so thrilled to witness Stella Justice and just smile
As I would do the same when if I could.. but for a while
I am a visitor who sits in first row with captured breath -
What do you mean by Justice while keeping this caprice.