This note is my last and only way of self expression,Without any obligation for this universe's relation.
My hate to everything that human kind is..
Is not coming with.. they all are a desease.
For the last year I can count all my quiet moments,
Without them.
My current hobby is to avoid all their comments,
Without them.
My burning is so high that I am sweating on the cold,
As I see them.
So hot like white melting steel.. my thoughts on-hold,
As I see them.
Looking into the same point for hours is not as crazy as I thought before,
Where is the justice? Where is it? I don't think I can wait for it much more.
This world makes no sense, its artificial existence, come on,
What is the purpose to keep all this shit moving on and on?
My love, you are pumping my heart this all day long
As I am failing to send brain signals to keep it on.
I feel your kiss, in your embrace.. I cannot die much more,
I wish to touch your face.. I guess there is a reason to keep me here for.
I must be happy, I have bought a house and a decent piece of land.
New pages on my recent history I am starting to append.. prepend.
This is the best moment I have, my life.. whole myself is in your possession,
..How I look into your eyes and we kiss.. how to convert this imagination?
People, how about you break your fucking legs and stop all these fucking noises?!
All of you are fucking shit that makes no fucking purpose, I hate your voices!!!
I need just run, just run!
Where my imagination is the reality before projection,
Just we beyond any.. beyond any universe detection!