Madness Be'Cause


Constant hate, constant anger,
Reaction is so short there is no longer, -
It is how thoughts convert to wish..
HOLD! You answer me under my leash.

It is like eating poisionous dish,
While thinking about tasty fish.
How have I come to this state of mind?
On brink of own destruction self I find.

For almost year I am covering hate with justice.
With no regrets I find myself within this lattice.
I avoid people eyes as I immediately vommit,
People are universe' disgrace, I must admit..

But I forgot about my evil reshaping this year -
I was too focused on cultivating inner fear.
Thoughts, you answer me right now the way you are.
STOP! I assume full control, you went too far.

Our darkness is so close but feels too far..
My ultralism makes progress to look subpar. (ahrrr..)
So I smash this universe into dust just like that..
EVERYTHING! Then your kiss from darkness and I hesitate.

Moment later, in your embrace, I am fighting lattice..
Ahrrr.. Am I right that what I see is called Justice?
Is this the way the Justice is? Instead of deadly freeze
People get their lifes with easy ocean breeze?

It is not like I am crying, body just makes tears..
Reaction on enourmous pain that I've converted from my fears.
The way you are holding my heart so it does not explode..
I am putting own evil knifes back into myself to implode.

Justice consequences are gone dealt,
Soon Justice has to be revealed..
Yes, my love, I understand, thank you.
You are my wish, I am just for you!