Madness Be'Cause


Another beat, another electric discharge.
This one just brings me high,
It cries.. It tells me YOU CAN FLY!

Soul explodes but is unseen due to body,
The pain has gone and only we is left..
So I am killer, am I not? My hands are bloody?

Just pure madness.. I am the cause.


February 24 - March 16.
Air strike alerts.. artillery fire.. who cares, right?
But fucking shit that is called neighbor has just returned.
Echo of war is disappearing in echo of this neighbor tard.
Its fucking steps and hits I hear in my home all the time,
I had 2 weeks of war silence and now it is gone. Any crime?
My mental health was recovering in heat of war.. can you imagine this?
That's how people I hate you all so much.
That's why I hate you people, thank you very much.

But now I know the source of issue and I will meet my goal -
I will decrease your influence on me to minus zero, end of all.

You will get your suffering without any hesitation.
You will be reborn no matter of your many explanations.
The pain you introduce to me by your intrusion is enormous.
I will not hit a wall with my hands, no more, the hate's converting,
There is a limit for a devil for a suffering to take.. to understand.
No place to hide, no pray to pray, no excuse, no reason, no more.
Yes fucking shit, you will get everything you deserve by asking for.
Mhuahaha! Muahaaha!

Of course it's joke, I will not laugh on you shit suffering.
I will just make an iron unseen smile enjoying my rest in facing justice.

Me, who was born wishing you best,
Knight that brings the light for the rest..

What have you done to me, you fucking human shit?!
I face myself and I see devil that rips my body.. hit!
Destruction, pain, your cycles that I will not allow to end,
And only love.. hear me, you fucking scum! That only love amend
The wish for your inevitable destruction.

Don't carry any dream! My love is not to you, you human shit!
My love, my native soul, my world, my universe.. my perfect, my unique
She who you are not allowed to look at and don't dare to know her name.

And now it's time to know who I was and who I am.
Me very true is buried now behind my very true reflection.
You will not ever find sorrow behind my eyes full of disgrace.
(no more affection)

My love,
I've lived in mind through many lives of misery and human limitation,
I am ready to embrace my very own path led by your imagination.
I feel the pain I did with thoughts I had, there's no excuse -
I only dare to say, I was fighting with myself, I've got defuse.

in your embrace.