Madness Be'Cause


Last string, last bound as crit attached -
Just seen by truth as being DNA matched..
Only love can distinguish me from whim,
I must laugh and jump.. but I stay grim.

All information is corrupted to the root,
It was only me who tried to clean the fruit..
Not seeing truth.. joy in illusion?
I eager to enjoy the pain. Conclusion.

Don't worry, I won't wake you up, no sound,
Don't worry if you see my madness, turn around,
I'll go from this world, darkness is my light..
The strongest string will fall without fight.

Maniacal thoughts fly around planet every second
Resonating billion minds by being their beacon..
I look through you there's no more locus
There's only one place I want to focus..

- - - -

nothing has more sense than it had before
it is what it is when there is no dust of lore.